Kansas City


Tried my first Italian Soda with one of the sweetest girls! Definitely going to be my main drink during the internship; it’s cheap and Refreshing.

Wednesday, July 24 

This will be a quick update. Now that my schedule is more repetitive my updates won’t be as detailed. However, I will still try to post for every day I’m here. As both an update for loved ones as well as a journal I can look back on later in life to remember my time here! Anyway…

Wednesday was a pretty chill day – we had a lot of time in our schedule. For example, our first class wasn’t until 2 pm and then we had from 4 pm – 6 pm before we had to be in the prayer room for the evening. Having the time was nice, gave me the chance to relax and hang out with some friends. I think it helps us by giving us the chance to relax in the prayer room; since we have so much time during the day to get things done.

The prayer room was an amazing experience. Not only did I step out in what the Lord asked and prayed a quick prayer in front of everyone, but the Lord was so faithful in my obedience to bless the rest of my time. I was able to really press in and encountered God’s love. The last 2 hours of the prayer room for the last couple of nights have been so powerful! David Forlu has led both times, and God’s met all of us in such a sweet way. 

Thank’s for your prayers – and thank you for reading. xx

Ps. If you didn’t already notice, I’m going to be posting updates for the one or two days that have already passed since I don’t have the time at night to post about the day of.