Kansas City


Friday, July 26 

Highlights of today included sharing my testimony with my home group and an Encounter God Service at our church! Just a reminder, our home group is all the girls I’m living with. This is the main group that I’ll be connecting and growing with. So far we’ve all connected really well – it’s been a lot of fun. Sharing my testimony was hard and a little nerve-racking; but was also freeing! It helps us all know one another better, to see where we’ve come from; and we’ll be able to look back at the end of the internship and see how we’ve changed. 

Last night after the service during the altar call portion, the Lord used one of my friends to speak to me in a moment of overthinking. It was so encouraging not only for me – who needed the word – but also for her! She was able to know the Lord actually spoke to her and I felt peace in a time of stress. 

I know I’ve said this in every update, and I know I’ll continue to say it, but I’m really excited about what God is going to do in the next 5 months! Every time I start to doubt my reasons for being here He is so faithful to show me that this is where He wants me. This is where He wants me to be for this season and I can trust Him no matter what happens.

Thanks for reading. xx