Kansas City


Wednesday, August 21

We had our first End Times class with Mike Bickle. For 3 years they’ve been going through the 150 chapters in the Bible on the End Times. Honestly, for a long time, I didn’t want to get into what was going to happen. However, after this class, I realize how important it is as Christians to know what the signs of the End Times are. God specifically gave us these instructions to prepare us for what’s to come. I’ll admit, after our first class, I was a little anxious, but after spending time in the prayer room talking to God about it I feel better. 

I’m excited to discuss the things we learned in our Discussion group today (Friday)!


Thursday, August 22 

I had such a fun day off, we spend the morning running little errands, but that in itself was fun! As our leader was in an appointment, two of my friends and I walked around the city and explored. We found a giant chess board on top of the most beautiful Library I’ve ever seen. It used to be an old bank, with big white pillars, a chandelier, and 5 stories! 

Later that day I got to relax at the pool (two separate times, but both times a lot of fun), facetime my best friend (who I miss SO much and I can’t wait to watch get married) and went to a sports night. We played Raf Ball which is a mix of volleyball and tennis; it’s a lot of fun, and incredibly fast-paced and intense.


Thanks for reading. xx


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