Kansas City



Wednesday, August 14

All around normal Wednesday; we had our class that afternoon, and the prayer room that evening. I’m sorry I don’t have much for Wednesday. The Lord worked in my heart more that evening, but it’s not something to fully record! However, Thursday, was a blast. 


Thursday, August 15 

The day started out with me playing a game; I happened to finish the main storyline… Which happened much faster than I anticipated. However, that’s okay, because two of my friends and I then watched a Disney movie together. 

After, we went paddle boarding and canoeing with a big group of friends from the Internship. It was SO much fun!! We managed to have an entire little lake to ourselves [ a hidden gem of KC. I will not reveal the secret! ] All the guys started a war; tip as many people as you can into the water. I happened to not only out paddle multiple guys, but when some of my friends in a canoe tried to tip me THEY ended up falling in! 

I feel very accomplished for being the only one on the water for that long and not being thrown in! Afterward, we all got changed and went out for dinner at a fast-food place. It was a really fun late-afternoon. I finished off the night myself; needing time alone I finished the movie we had started earlier and played guitar for a while. 

Here are a couple more pictures from our lake trip:

A poor quality photo, but high-quality people. Cheesy, but still true!


Thanks for reading. xx