Kansas City

IX•II•MMXIX – DAY 44 & 45

Saturday, August 31

There isn’t much to update on Saturday; we had our Practicum and Survey class. In Practicum, we learned about devotional prayer; the importance of it and some tips on how to do it. I felt encouraged to press into my quiet time with God in the mornings! 

After, we had Survey where we went over the 1 & 2 Samuel and 1 & 2 Kings. I know I’ve said this before but I really enjoy this class; it’s fewer details than the classes I took at Elim. However, I feel like I’m learning more about it than I did before. Our teacher brings up little facts you wouldn’t necessarily think of or see, which seem to tie the whole book together! 

Survey is definitely my favorite class.

This was the guy’s homegroup… it was a race. Originally to the pool but I think it was taking too long and went to the fence instead lol

Sunday, September 1 

I believe I mentioned this last week, but Sunday’s always start out feeling normal, but by the end of the day it no longer feels like Sunday. Church was really good, the pastor spoke on perseverance in our God-given assignment. Our assignments can change, they can be powerful or seemingly insignificant, but important to God and therefore should be important to us. When we’re walking in our assignment God pours His grace over us to persevere; if we step out of it to pursue our own ideas His grace won’t follow. Not only that but when we’re walking in what God’s called us, the enemy will attack in any way possible. We’re basically doing the one thing he doesn’t want us to do. There was of course more to the sermon, but that’s a few main points I got out of it. 

Later we had our home groups; both our leaders are away on vacation for the week so we joined another group. We tried to have a picnic… but about a half an hour in the bugs seemed to be surrounding us. It didn’t help that we were talking about bugs… so we went swimming. The pool closes after labor day and I’m really sad about it… especially since it’s still warm in September! Then, before our time in the prayer room, we had our Harp and Bowl class. I forgot to mention last week, I was placed as one of the worship leaders for the 2 teams. My team plays next Sunday; it was fun to watch my friends on the first team grow in their gifts. I think this class will be a great experience.

Thanks for reading. xx