Kansas City

IX•VII•MMXIX – DAY 48 – 50

Wednesday, September 4 

Wednesdays are sometimes difficult to write about; it’s a pretty chill day. I was able to put together a setlist for Harp and Bowl class on Sunday which felt good to figure out. That night we had CBETS and a few hours in the prayer room. It was a very relaxing day; that night a bunch of my friends hung out in my room and we all chatted until curfew! However, I’m starting to think we don’t have enforced curfew on Wednesday nights since Thursday is our ‘day off’.

Thursday, September 5

Honestly the only really exciting that happened today was I got to call Johnny. It’s always so nice to talk to him; I’m really excited about the break I get in a couple of weeks to see him AND my best friend for her wedding! Earlier that day we ran errands and had a class they added to our schedule for the next few weeks. It doesn’t really feel like a day off anymore with the class, but I’m just glad it’ll only be for a few more weeks.

Friday, September 6 

For the past couple of weeks in our End Time’s discussion class, we’ve gone over the question ‘why study the End Times?’. This week we finally got into actually studying it! The same person who teaches our Survey class also leads the first half of our discussion class; He went over a basic outline of the End Times. It’s crazy to think whenever it all start’s it will only last 7 years and Jesus will break through the clouds in a burst of lightning! Of course, for the 7 years, its tribulation the Earth has never even seen before; which can be scary. But it feels less scary the more we pray and look into it. 

That night I worked with Kids during the Encounter God service; we had 28 kids! It was absolutely insane but still a lot of fun. However, when I got to the prayer room for the last two hours I felt so exhausted I had trouble keeping my eyes open. I was grateful for sleep that night. 

Thanks for reading. xx