Kansas City

IX•IV•MMXIX – DAY 46 & 47

Monday, September 2 

This week we’re learning “why the house of prayer?” in the context of Scripture, David’s story, and God’s perspective. A prayer leader from the morning sets is teaching us; he has a lot of passion for this subject and usually ends up yelling at us. Not in a bad way though! you know when a pastor gets so passionate he has to pull the mic away from his face because he’s speaking so loud? Yeah, that’s this guy, and it’s great. Other than starting this class we were in the prayer room 6pm to midnight, which was just a normal night for me!

Oh, another thing happened today. For those of you who know about the prayer room you most likely have heard of Jon Thurlow; He’s one of my favorite worship leaders. Throughout my senior year, I would listen to his music and absolutely fell in love with the way the Spirit moved during his sets when I visited in 2017. Today was his last set! He and his family are stepping down from the prayer room, I’m sure God is going to take them somewhere amazing. I visited the prayer room after my class to witness his last set and the prayer room was PACKED. So many people came out to support him, he played all of his own songs; it was a beautiful moving set. Probably my favorite one to be a part of so far. I definitely cried at the end though, I couldn’t help it… he was crying, Mike Bickle went up to thank him. It was very emotional but so beautiful!

this was a video so the quality of the picture is terrible, but the moment was so beautiful!

Tuesday, September 3 

I started off my morning really well, I made it to breakfast; was able to write a full post to publish later this week and I had time to mess around with a couple features on this blog! It was a nice morning to start a busy day. After class, we were in the prayer room for a couple of hours. The first Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday the staff of IHOP take part in a Bridegroom Fast; basically fasting for the return of Jesus. So the prayer room was very full. Then after dinner, we went over our schedule for the next week, had a half an hour worshiping together and spent the last four hours in the prayer room! 

Although it was a long day, the prayer room that night was just filled with such a sweet presence of the Lord. It was really nice and comforting! 

Thanks for reading. xx