Kansas City


Wednesday, August 28

We had an amazing class in the afternoon; for the first hour and a half, we just asked questions; when one person asked another would follow up. Even I asked a question; for those who know me you know, I’m generally quiet and tend to just listen. But it was a really good experience and stretched my mind in the best way. That night we had CBETS (Center for Biblical End Times Studies); this is the end times class I’ve referenced in the past.

I left with less worry and anxiety than last week; the End Times can be very scary. However, it’s less scary when you realize as the darkness increases the light will also increase; it’s about the coming of Christ and those who are preparing their hearts and digging a foundation in intimacy with Him truly have nothing to fear. Not that there won’t be persecution and hard times, but we will know the truth! It’s been really interesting and thought-provoking; every week I feel like I’m learning something completely new about it and it blows my mind!

Thursday, August 29

Honestly, other than the class we had in the afternoon, I spend the whole day avoiding people and introverting myself! I did get to facetime a good friend from back home and my best friend later that night. Those two interactions really made my day, I love my friends from back home so much! 

Yeah, other than that I didn’t do too much and it was great!

Friday, August 30

During our End Times Discussion groups, as we discussed the generation before the Flood compared to the generation during the End Times and I ended up asking a question which spiraled our whole conversation into asking more questions and digging into little pieces of Sin during the End Times and the Anti Christ. It was a really eye-opening conversation, yet I know my eyes were only opened a little bit. There’s so much to learn and yet the more you learn the less you feel like you understand! It’s both the worst feeling and the best feeling. 

Later that night during the Encounter God Service Mike Bickle started week two on the prophetic history of IHOP. It’s crazy how God’s hand is on this place. At the end of the night, all the people 20 and younger went up and we were all prayed for as the generation who, with our children (maybe our children’s-children), is called into the army of God during the End Times. It was a powerful experience. No one knows the day or the hour, of course; many believe it’s going to happen sooner than we think based on the signs of the times – either way, Jesus calls us to be prepared. Everyone believes differently of course, but the ministry time was still powerful.

Thanks for reading. xx