Kansas City


Friday, August 23

During our end-times discussion groups, we really got into how important Israel is. Modern Christianity in America often either forgets or pays little attention to Israel. I was part of this group for the majority of my life, being here I’m realizing how important Israel is. It’s hard to fully explain why especially since I’m still learning myself.

I’m not sure if that makes sense, but it’s what I’m currently learning. I also started doing Children’s ministry every other Friday night during our Encounter God service. I’m excited to take part in equipping the kids to learn more about Jesus! 

Saturday, August 24

Nothing too crazy to report for Saturday; we had our two classes and 6 hours in the prayer room. Saturdays are always one of our longest days; but also one of my favorites because of Survey class! We spent the first half of the class asking questions about what we’ve read so far. One of the topics we discussed was the book of Judges. It’s a very gruesome book, a man chopped up his concubine, another sacrificed His daughter. I’ve always just glanced over that book not fully understanding how that could happen. 

BUT, our teacher said something that made me understand the book. The book of Judges reveals how far Israel has gone from following the Lord. Even when it seems like they’re seeking Him for things, they completely disregard what the Lord is pleased with. The man who promised to give the Lord the first thing to come out of his house truly believed God would be pleased with the sacrifice of his Daughter; when if you look back God specifically says he is not pleased with children sacrifices. It’s not honoring to Him, but pagan worship. Israel had lost sight of what the Lord commanded. I’m glad we see that through this God still had a plan for Israel. 

Sunday, August 25

Sundays feel like Mondays. We have church in the morning but once the afternoon hit’s I constantly forget it’s still Sunday. I’m telling you it’s so hard to keep track of what day it is while you’re here. It was a pretty chill day though, rained a LOT – the streets were a little flooded it rained so much. It really rains a lot here, I thought Rochester weather was rough, but it’s definitely not as bad as KC. 

Our homegroup had a fun afternoon in homegroups, we played Fishbowl and laughed a lot. I love these girls so much! 

Thanks for reading. xx