Kansas City


This is a screenshot from a video I took of my leaders jamming out to some old Disney Channel music.

Saturday, August 10 

So, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve posted. Well, I posted on Sunday, but I typed that Saturday. For me, it’s been a while; and I haven’t updated you on my week since Friday! Crazy how life can get a hold of you; or, more realistically, how important sleep is to function! For the past few days I chose to sleep in; not only was my head hurting, but I could barely think! 

Mind you, I get about 8 hours a night. However, with classes, and the emotional exhaustion that comes with 6 hours in prayer, you get pretty tired – pretty fast. Thankfully, I feel much better; still tired, but much better. 

Anyway – what happened Saturday… We had our Practicum class, Survey class, and 6 full hours in the prayer room. It was a pretty long day, to say the least, but with a lot of good information. Our Survey class is definitely one of my favorites! I just hope I can remember everything he teaches us! 

Sunday, August 11 

This was a fun day. We had church in the morning and that afternoon was full of memories. I spent about an hour playing guitar and worshipping with my roommates. Then, we had our home group! The first hour was mainly discussion among other things, but for the last hour, we all went to get ice cream! I haven’t had good soft served Ice cream since last summer, can you believe that?! 

Oh and, this is the best part, after ice cream, we jammed in the car to old Disney songs; like Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana. THEN after we arrived back we cranked the car stereo and all had a dance party on the lawn in front of the apartments! It was so. much. fun!!!! Then we ended the night with 6 more hours in the prayer room – which was amazing!

Well… not the first 5 hours. I really struggled to engage for the first 5 hours. For those who think I’m this amazing Christian who’s so diligent in prayer every day I’m really not; it’s really REALLY hard sometimes! However, just like in our personal prayer lives, you continue to seek God even when nothing happens, and He will breakthrough. Sunday night was definitely an example of this. 

At exactly 11 pm, when they usually start to pray from Scripture, the worship leader suggested we all get up, step into groups, and pray for one another’s spirit to wake up. I was in a circle with my Core Leader and 3 other girls from my house group. We decided to pray for each person individually, blessing them and praying over them. After praying for two or three girls, something happened. We all started laughing!! The Joy of the Lord was so strong at that moment, and the Spirit didn’t stop moving. A few of us were shaking in the Spirit, two other girls came over to be prayed for by us and they were touched by the Spirit. It was absolutely amazing, so worth the hours of feeling nothing and struggling to engage.

I can’t wait for more moments like that!!!! 

Monday, August 12

I’ll be honest, nothing crazy special happened today. We had class, and spend the evening in the prayer room. We were assigned accountability partners from our group for the duration of the internship. However, other than that, it was just a normal day at the internship. 

Tuesday, August 13

Ok, so. Most of yesterday was normal; class, prayer room before dinner, and then we went over the schedule for the next week. After all this, we had our weekly Burn Class – which as a recap is either worshipping together or a guest speaker – last night BOB SORGE spoke. I’ve heard him speak before, I love his books, and I was super excited. It surpassed expectations, he spoke on the Blood of Christ and how that doesn’t just cover our sins, but it can cover every part of our life! He walked us through a way to get up close with the father and really enter into a personal time with Him. It was so special and moving! 

Afterward, we went into the prayer room, although it was hard to engage again, there were still some sweet moments with the Lord. 

I can’t believe this Friday will be a full month here! Time has absolutely flown by for me; I think it’s because our week starts on Tuesday and our break is Thursday… Whatever it is, I can’t believe how quickly time is moving. 

Thanks for reading this GIANT update. xx v


  • Dad

    Awesome Amelia! Don’t forget that even your one hour of prayer a day is tons more than most Christians! Great job. God is really drawing you to Him in a special way. Love you!