Kansas City


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Friday, August 9 

We had our first End Times Class and Discussion Group today! It was mostly an introduction but we also got to sit down with the group we’ll be discussing with for the semester. I’m extremely excited about this class, it’s once a week, but I feel as though I’ll leave with greater knowledge of the End times. Obviously, in the scheme of things, the knowledge I will gain will be next to nothing; but to have a foundation to continue studying upon will be beneficial! 

One of the things we learned was that the end times are not about events, but about Christ’s return. I know when I’ve read Revelation I’ve mostly focused on what will happen. However, that’s not why John wrote it, he wanted to give details on the days when Jesus Christ will return because he was excited about it. I want to look upon the end times and be excited for that same reason; I want to long for those days because of that very reason. Jesus, my friend, and King is coming back to live with us. I no longer want to be afraid of it as so many Christians are, but long for it.

It’s easy for Christians to focus on half of Jesus’s story, the one we read in the Gospels; but that’s just it, it’s only half of His story. Jesus has a great return and reign coming in the future and to know more about that, is to also know more about our Faithful Savior. 

I don’t know if any of this will make sense to you, but it was such a beautiful thing to learn. I’m excited for all the discussions I will have in that class!

Thanks for reading. xx 

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