Kansas City


Wednesday, August 7

The highlight I want to remember from today is the evening in the prayer room. For the majority of the time, it was a normal evening – until about 15 minutes before midnight (so this kind of goes into Thursday, but I consider it the same day). The Holy Spirit began moving and everyone was worshipping and contending for the power of the Spirit to be upon the building and place. There are two special healing services happening at the church both Thursday night and Friday night; so people have been praying for that. Yet, this was more than just praying for those nights.

Once midnight happened, the next worship leader was on stage but David Forlou was still on stage; the Holy Spirit was touching his worship. All of the One Thing interns went upfront and we worshipped together. Then over half of us proceeded to stay for another half an hour past the time we were supposed to leave. The Spirit was so sweet; that might sound strange to those who don’t understand, but it just felt so peaceful to stand in that room and worship.

After, my house leader, a few other girls and I decided to go to a gas station down the road; it’s one everyone loves to go to because it’s stocked with a large assortment of items. A group of guys showed up with their leaders and we spend the next hour and a half hanging out and playing a game together. I didn’t go to bed until 2 am that morning (mind you, lights out is technically at 1 am! Our house leaders were with us though so it was okay). Definitely a night I hope to always remember! 

Thursday, August 8

I planned on spending this day off by myself, watching netflix – maybe play a game. Instead,  went out with a small group of girls to go pet puppies at a pet store; I got to snuggle with the cutest Chow puppy. I know she looks kind of like a German Shepherd, but she’s a Chow, and SO SWEET. After we went and got bubble tea, and the rest of my afternoon I spend talking to my mom and my dad, and then I got to talk to Johnny! 

If only there were more hours in an evening, and more things to talk about; but it was so nice to hear his voice and just talk about anything and everything we could. Before the night ended I was able to also call Gabby, and I played the game I had bought earlier that day. 

Although I didn’t get to do what I originally planned, what ended up happening was so much better! 

Thanks for reading. xx