Kansas City

VIII•II•MMXIX – Day 12 – 15

Tuesday, July 30

Class on Tuesday was also amazing as it was on Monday. We had the same teacher and he taught us on the Love of God the Father. Again, something I’ve heard before; but something about his teaching method just makes it seem fresh. It touched my heart in a new way and I couldn’t help but feel his tenderness as he began to heal my heart in areas I didn’t even know was broken.

Wednesday, July 31

Again, we had class but this time it wasn’t as loving and tender. He talked about the brokenness of life, the hard things that happen that test your faith. We prayed through our brokenness and he told us multiple personal stories as well as the story of the man who wrote the song “It is well”. Such a powerful story.

I wish I could describe more what happened in the class both Wednesday and the previous days before, but not only is it difficult to put into words but much of it happened in my own heart! I hope all our classes are like this, so healing and beautiful. Although I know they probably won’t all be, I’m really excited about what we’ll learn throughout the internship.

Thursday, August 1

Our second day was another for the books. I went out to have lunch with my Pastor and his wife – and not only was it wonderful to connect with them but they absolutely blessed me with food and things I needed! Money is tight while I’m here and all they did for me in one day was such an answer to prayer. I appreciate their love so much! It was great to connect with them.

Then later, I was beginning to have cramps and didn’t want to do anything crazy, so a small group of us went to go see the new Spiderman. 10/10 recommend. It’s so good!!! If you haven’t seen it, just so you know, there are two after credit clips! One before the really long credits and one after. Just as a head up.

Overall, it was a fun day off!

Friday, August 2 

I definitely meant to post this yesterday with just days 11-14; I’ve obviously fallen behind. It’s easy to get caught up here, and as the days begin to look the same, I have less motivation to post. But I know I want to be able to look back on these posts in the future and see all that happened. I want to find something in each day that was memorable; because even when a day looks mundane, there’s always something to remember. 

I can’t expect myself to be perfect in this and post every day; and as much as I’m telling you this, I’m mainly telling myself. I strive to be perfect but it’s not possible. So when I can post I will. 

Anyway – this day was full and hard emotionally but God was still good through it. It’s hard to be away from everyone I love, especially those I usually talk to when I’m struggling. The Lord is really teaching me to lean on Him through it, especially last night; when I began to feel anxious and emotional over a thought. My phone was off, we were in the prayer room and instead of going to a friend like I normally do I was forced to go to God at that moment. It was hard, and I cried, but by the end of the night, I felt peace and the fear was gone. 

I’m really thankful for this season of my life, as hard as it is. I love the friends I’m making and everything God is doing in my heart, it’s time I’ll never get back and I wouldn’t want to spend it any other way.

For those who read this far – as always thank you for reading. xx


  • Wayne Hedlund

    I love to read your posts and hear what God is doing in your life Amelia. They are encouraging to me (and I think all your readers.) It’s always good for us to remember that our walk with Christ isn’t occasional or random. It’s daily/hourly/incrementally and intentional!

    I’m so proud of you (love the pic too!)
