Kansas City


I know this isn’t from my trip but I like having a picture for each post.

Monday, July 29 

The day started out as a normal day; cleaned the apartment and went to class. The class was amazing, the old director of the internship spoke to us about God’s love. Growing up Christian I knew about the love of God and I’ve been taught it, but this was so different for some reason. He used Peters life and the woman in Song of Solomon in such a beautiful way to show that we truly love God because He first loves us. 

I’m excited to learn more from him for the next couple days – He’s really good at not only teaching but also faking us out. He really got all of us to believe someone in his life died and everyone in the room freaked out but he was joking. It was a crazy moment. 

Anyway, that happened then later that night in the prayer room I found myself kind of upset with God. I told Him what I wanted; to just be in his presence and feel for the next 6 hours and I’m so glad God hears our prayers because that happened and more. It was such a powerful evening and I can’t wait for it to happen again. 

Thanks for reading. xx 



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