
The Love of God

How do I even begin to describe the love of God? I’ll be honest, I’ve avoided writing this post. I didn’t feel good enough to write it; I didn’t feel like I was worthy enough to even try to describe it. After I graduated from college, I fell short in my personal time with God. I put trivial, worldly things first – and my relationship with God suffered. I felt stressed, distant, lazy. The idea of sitting with God made my heart shrink; I knew I had turned my head away just enough to justify my actions.  I felt like I had betrayed a friend, and although I still loved Him I felt I didn’t deserve to sit with Him. To feel that way with God was crushing, hence why I avoided writing this post. 

I am so grateful that God is merciful and forgiving. His love is greater than I could ever imagine and even when I felt distant and unworthy He loved me. He sat with me every night when I chose to watch Netflix, called me beloved and worthy in every decision I made; right or wrong. How do I begin to describe the unrelenting love of God? The love letter He wrote to us in His Word is only the tip of the iceberg. I believe if you gathered up all the love in the world it would still not measure up to how much God loves us. Imagine the love of a parent, of lovers, of a friend, any kind of love you can think of all piled up in one place. It would be microscopic compared to God’s love for us. How crazy is that? 

We see the love of God in sacrifice. Every time a mother holds her sick child close night after night, not only losing sleep but getting sick herself- just because she loves them. When someone has plans to see their favorite band but choose to instead sit with a brokenhearted friend. In the Cross. I’m not a parent, but giving up your Son to be killed in the most brutal, agonizing, humiliating way probably isn’t easy. An innocent man was sent to be crucified while a murderer walked free – His back was stripped of skin in front of His friends and His mother. It would not have been a sacrifice if it was not a choice, it could have been avoided, prevented, Jesus could have walked away. This is love – this sacrifice of the Lamb which brought our freedom.

How do I put the Love of God into words? The ones I’ve already written are nothing, they don’t come close to even touching the surface of his boundless, un-measurable Love. Your past doesn’t matter, what you’ve done falls away when you’re wrapped in the beautiful love of God. I’m not perfect, far from it in fact. I’ve made mistakes, I’m not worthy, but God doesn’t see that. Imagine your best friend stabbing you in the back over and over again, hurting you, and ignoring you – but you still love them more than anything in the world. When they come back genuinely sorry, you don’t see the things they did, you just love them. You hug them, and you go have lunch together. God doesn’t see the things we’ve done, He just loves us. He gave his one and only Son because He loves us.  

The love of God is indescribable, we can try – I can try – but I know my words will never measure up to what His love truly is. Take a minute and recognize Him loving you today, let Him show you His love. How much He has for you. Remember why I avoided writing this post?  The moment I stopped to turned towards Him again I no longer felt like I wasn’t good enough; all the reasons I avoided this no longer mattered. I felt His overflowing love for me and I couldn’t help but write about it.

So please take a moment. He loves you so much.

Thank you for reading. xx