Kansas City


So it’s definitely been more than a week since I’ve posted. I’m so sorry to all who have been trying to stay updated with my life on here! The last week and a half I could not find time to write; I would have overworked myself if I had tried! If you’re following me on Instagram hopefully you were able to stay a little updated on my life. Highlights include an internship game of capture the flag, ending the fast, the 20th anniversary of IHOP, and a Sunday off!

Wednesday, September 11 – Sunday, September 15

If you’ve stayed updated with my internship so far, you’ll know I have CBETS (center for biblical end-times studies) on Wednesday nights. However, this was not the highlight of my Wednesday like it normally is. After our class, we spent 4 hours in the prayer room; joining the night watch until 2 am! Since Thursday was our day off it didn’t affect sleep that much; but it was a lot of fun. We’re hoping to do it again sometime soon; since the fast is over I’ll probably stock up on caffeine. The last hour was definitely long, and hard; I struggled to keep my eyes open, but it was still a lot of fun.

Friday we had our End Times Discussion class; after a few weeks of looking at why we’re studying the End times, we’re finally getting into details. This week we went over the timeline the Bible presents to us once the tribulation begins. I’m telling you; I used to be so afraid of the End Times, but now I’m so curious to learn more and be prepared for both the good and the bad to come!

Saturday’s practicum class was taught to us by my leader! She taught on prophecy and hearing the voice of God; it was a very insightful class. For the last hour, we played prophecy games and encouraged each other while learning that everyone can hear the voice of God and speak over another person. 

Sunday was the very last day of the fast; you would think it would end at midnight but Mike Bickle told everyone it ended at 6 pm so that’s what we did! Right as our Harp and Bowl class began people were cracking open chips, beef jerky, chocolate. At midnight almost everyone went to the gas station down the road and ended the fast together. My stomach may not have been the happiest that night, but my heart was full. 

Monday, September 16 – Sunday, September 22

Half of the week was normal, the other half completely different. It was the week of the 20th anniversary and us interns had to help out in the afternoon and attend the night sessions.

I was placed with the one to two year olds and absolutely loved it. It was very chill, we didn’t have too many kids and there were enough leaders to keep everything under control. The night sessions were absolutely amazing. It made me super thankful to be apart of this wonderful family.

Even though we’ve only been here a few months all the leaders make it very known that we have as much of an inheritance in the past 20 years as they do. Not many places make you feel so at home and so involved in even the years before; I truly feel connected not just to the people my age but to the leaders too!

Thursday night there was an amazing choir, all the harmonies and key changes and songs in general made my heart come alive with worship! Friday night they had two statement worship leaders end the night with powerful worship! I hope to always remember that weekend.

On Saturday there was supposed to be a picnic but due to excessive rain it’s going to be moved to another date. So until our prayer room hours that night we had a chill day off. Then Sunday other than church we also had the day off. I got to go into the city with my friends and we had a girls night with all the girls in the internship.

I know this isn’t as detailed an update as I usually give, but this month itself has been crazy. Even now I’m finishing this post at the airport as I’m headed home for my best friends wedding! My life has been a lot, but every moment has been so fun. I can’t wait to write the next update on my trip to visit home!

Thanks for reading. xx