Kansas City

IX•XI•MMXIX – DAY 51 – 54

Saturday, September 7 

There are quite a few days to catch up on; I have become increasingly busy recently with a small project I took on. However, with so little time every day, I can only do so much and somehow posting fell behind! There hasn’t been much that happened that’s considerably new; however, I’ve come so far with posting about every day I can’t quit now! Just for the future, I may start posting once a week and just give a general update on the week so that I don’t have 70+ posts on this trip. 

Our practicum class was on fasting; it was an encouraging message to push us through our last week of fasting! Let me tell you; I could really go for some ice cream and a burger right about now… One of my good friends who is from Brazil gave me some Brazilian chocolate yesterday and I have to wait until Monday to taste it! I should probably hide it from myself because it’s very tempting having it just sitting on my drawers. I’ve made it two weeks, less than one week left, I know I can make it! 

In our Survey class, we began going over the Hebrew Poetry books in the Bible. We are currently meditating on one Psalm a day; when I started it was difficult to understand what to do and what I should be getting out of it. Now we’re about 50 psalms in and it’s becoming more alive as I go on; I’m actually getting excited to read it again after I finish, to see what else God reveals. Our teacher said something about the Psalms that I really liked; he said “the Psalms are an invitation to be raw and emotional before God.” In this season I’m really learning how to do that, God’s teaching me to be weak before Him; so far my most precious moments with Him was right after I was weak and broken before Him about a problem in my life.

Sunday, September 8 

Church was really good, Dave Sliker preached a powerful message supporting the prophetic history we’ve been learning; I wish I had my notes in front of me to expand more on what He said, it was powerful! Later we had our home groups; our leaders are back from a vacation they had been on so we all went to Messenger Coffee and hung out together. It’s a 3 story coffee shop where they roast their own beans; a lot of coffee shops in the area actually use messenger coffee beans; it’s really good coffee. I don’t know if my any coffee fanatics read this, but if you’ve had messenger coffee let me know what you think. 

That evening we had harp and bowl; it was my worship team’s turn to lead and for our very first time, with all the technical issues, a lack of a click, and no practice, I think it went pretty well. 


Monday, September 9

I’m loving our classes this week; we’re learning how to be confident in prayer. Our teacher is a strong man of the community, with a beautiful heart and amazing testimonies on what confidence in prayer does. I could probably spend an entire post talking about what I’m learning this week. It’s amazing how being confident in your prayers, in your secret place, really affects the way you pray and talk to God. Confidence in prayer comes from being rooted in Truth, praying it when we don’t feel like it. This pushes our faith so when great trials come our faith can become great.

Tuesday, September 10 

Both our classes today were really good; we continued talking about confidence in prayer, and also had our Intro to IHOPKC class. Dave Sliker teaches us on the values and history of IHOP so that we can understand what story we are now apart of; we’ve begun going over what I.H.O.P stands for and the values rooted behind it. That evening we got our schedule for the next week had an hour of just worshipping and seeing what the holy spirit does together as an internship.

Like I said I will probably start posting once or twice a week and just doing bigger updates like this. Plus it gives me a better chance of getting pictures for my post. 

Thanks all for reading. xx