Kansas City


I’m not sure how, but three weeks have gone by since I last posted. I’ve mentioned this before but time moves very differently here; a week goes by and it feels like a day. Not to mention this last week specifically our schedule shifted to make room for the solemn assembly. This is just having the prayer room in the church building with intercession sets from 10-6; a calling of the church to get together and pray specifically for these three days.

Other than this past week there weren’t many noteworthy things that happened. This might sound bad, but the many things that have happened are personal and I’m still processing a lot of them. However, there are a couple of moments that I want to share and remember.

Thursday, October 17 

After I updated my blog I chilled in the cafe for quite a long time; I just watched Netflix and introverted myself to regain some energy. After I joined a couple of friends to go to a small park; what started as a fun photoshoot at a playground turned into me climbing both some pretty tall monkey bars and also a tall tree.

Honestly, this probably doesn’t sound too exciting, but if you know me, you know I’m pretty tall. I’m about 5.8 and my head hits most monkey bars. This set was high enough where I could hang from them and still be a few inches off the ground. They weren’t that far across either, so it wasn’t like those wide bars you could easily hang from and get on top of when you were a kid. This was terrifying and was an adrenaline rush but so much fun. The tree was about the same height; I don’t consider tree climbing as some unique moment but it was fun.

Sunday, October 20

Instead of having home groups the whole internship went to a bonfire at the director’s home. There was a gender reveal for one of the core leaders, we all hung out and ate food and had a fun game of extreme corn-hole. I’m mainly mentioning this because I want to post the group picture we got.

These past four months wouldn’t have been the same without this group of people. I love each one of them dearly and I’m thankful God brought us all together at this time.

Sunday, October 27

This is a big jump in time; I’m sure more happened during the week but I just don’t remember! What I do remember, and have photo documentation of, is going out with my home group and doing a fun Fall photoshoot. We went to the YWAM campus in Kansas City which is so beautiful, especially in the Fall, and just had fun taking pictures of one another. Normally I don’t like being the model, but I LOVE the pictures that were taken of me! 

I posted a few on my Instagram if you want to check it out. 😉 

Thursday, October 31

First, a quick backstory to the importance of what I did this Halloween. Growing up my church always did an alternative to Halloween. They had fun games throughout the building; kids from surrounding towns would come and win candy instead of trick or treating. Even as I got older I would volunteer and it was so much fun seeing kids I know dressed up and playing the games I played as a kid.

So here in Kansas City they do something similar and we all got to help out! If I’m honest, it wasn’t as fun for me especially because I didn’t know anyone and I just stood at a bounce house for 4 hours; but I could tell all the kids were having so much fun and it just brought me back to my childhood.

We ended the night with chick-fil-e which was very satisfying.

Sunday, November 3

Unfortunately, I got sick Halloween morning and developed a cough that was getting worse until I stayed back and rested from a few prayer room hours. After resting Sunday morning I felt much better; so I decided to go out with friends that evening since we had the second half the day off. We went ice skating at this outdoor terrace, and then got milkshakes and burgers at the cutest diner I’ve ever been to. It was a really fun day.

Those were a few highlights of the past three weeks; if I tried to record everything in this post it would go on forever so I’m going to end with this and hopefully I can post more regularly these last few weeks.

I cannot believe there are only 5 weeks left at this amazing place! 

As always, thanks for reading. xx