Kansas City


Wow it has been a hot minute – I’m sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted. If you read my last post you know I went home for my best friend’s wedding and part of our break; it was such a breath of fresh air! I definitely missed home more than I realized. I never thought I’d miss New York, but I guess I was wrong. 

I’m exactly not sure how to summarize the past two weeks, but I’ll try! Starting with my first day home; after a fun little road trip to Binghamton, Johnny surprised me by planning a beautiful home date at Gabbys house; it was absolutely perfect and exactly what I needed after a long day of traveling. The next couple of days were intense with wedding preparation; leading up to the big day when Gabby got married! It was such a beautiful day; I couldn’t have been happier to be beside her as she promised her love to her husband. 

After the wedding, I spent the rest of my time in New York in Rochester seeing my friends and my family for a short time! It was so nice to have a night with my close friends and their adorable son, to spend a day feeling loved by my wonderful family, catch up with a good friend now in Australia, and to spend time with my boyfriend who I miss every moment I’m here. 

I spent my first day back in Kansas City a l o n e! What can I say, I’m an introvert. I needed time to process the wonderful memories I gained going home and having to leave again. The next day though I spent getting coffee with a small group of interns who were around; and going to a cereal bar with some of my group! Yes, a cereal bar; you could mix cereal, toppings, and it was as fun as it sounds.

Since being back it’s been both wonderful and tiring; they did not hesitate to throw us back into the boat. Our classes this week were both in the morning and the afternoon; it was on relational wholeness. Of course, they weren’t teaching us to suddenly be relationally whole; but to help us learn how to heal from brokenness of our past. It’s not something I can easily explain right now, I’m still processing myself; and as emotionally exhausting as it was, it was so good! 

There isn’t much else to highlight, I know its been two weeks and I’m sure more happened, but I don’t particularly want to write a book on just the past two weeks! I’m going to leave you with those highlights, some pictures, and save the other memories for myself. 

I hope to actually get into a rhythm again with writing, only two and a half more months of this wonderful adventure in Kansas City and I can’t wait to see what this second half has in store for me! 

Thanks for reading. xx