Kansas City


I took this after writing this post; the cafe is the perfect place to write in the morning.

Monday, August 5

It’s honestly getting more and more difficult to write about every day. This sleep schedule is throwing me off majorly – but tomorrow is our day off so I plan on sleeping through what I can. Monday we started this week’s Core Classes taught by a pastoral leader of IHOP. This week is much less emotional than last week when we talked about the Love of God, but still so good. We are learning how to meditate on Scripture; like actually, practically, learning. He taught us a specific method and then gave a verse to try to meditate on that night in the prayer room. 

It was the fastest hour of my life. It was actually pretty fun to take a verse, pick one phrase, and just meditate on it. God spoke to me and even though at the time I wasn’t completely sure it was Him; the next day there were others who had some of the same insights I did. 

Also fun fact, I think writing so often is really helping me improve. Word press has something called ‘readability’ which measures sentence length, passive voice, among other small things. When I first started writing, I would have multiple errors that needed fixing. However now, I have maybe one if any by the time I finish writing. It’s an accomplishing feeling.

Tuesday, August 6 

Apparently, our Tuesdays are going to be the longest days of the week. Starting at 1 pm we have something scheduled until 12 pm; with about an hour break as well as a dinner break. However, even though it’s split up a little bit, it’s pretty exhausting. In our Core class, we continued to discuss meditating on scripture; we meditated on the same scripture as the night before during class as an exercise. After meditating he had us pair up with someone we didn’t know very well and use the language we wrote in to pray for that person for 3 minutes. Personally, it was difficult at first, but after I prayed and she prayed for me we discovered they actually really spoke to both of us. If any of that makes sense; it was a really fun experience.

That night before we went to the prayer room we had our weekly meeting to go over the next weekly schedule, and a time where we worshiped together as an internship. It was such a sweet time, and it really helped me enter in for the next four hours in the prayer room. 

Despite the tiredness, it’s still a lot of fun. Also, with such a repetitive schedule and such long chunks of time in the prayer room, the week’s seem to have flown by. It’s a weird feeling; on one hand, it seems like I’ve been here for months already, and on the other, it feels like I just arrived. As we get further in, the week’s go faster. For example, this past week absolutely flew by; I think it has to do with our day off being Thursday and our week starting on Tuesday. It’s weird, but also kind of nice.

Thanks for reading. xx