Kansas City


Two months after graduating Elim and the day has come. I’m on my way to do an internship 1,050 miles away from home. I can’t believe it’s happening; I’m sitting in an airport waiting for my flight to Kansas City and so far it’s been smooth sailing. Don’t get me wrong… my emotions aren’t smooth sailing – but the trip itself is going well! Leaving my family, my friends and my boyfriend was a tough thing to do but I know God has a plan and this is where I’m supposed to be.

I wish I could say that I know exactly what I’m getting myself into but I don’t, that’s the scariest part of all this – not knowing what might come next. Not knowing what this next season holds for me. I know it will all work out though (doesn’t make it any less scary, but at least I know it.)

Today is just orientation and move in, I’ll get to meet my leaders and roommates. As well as get settled in my new home for the next 5 months! I’ll be honest, move-in days are my favorite. I love seeing new places, setting up my room, I actually really enjoy sitting through new information! I find it fun. So today will be good. (I’m hoping!) 

As I document as many days as I can I hope you will all continue to pray for me, keep me in your thoughts as I live in a completely new city, with new people, and new situations! I’m so excited to see what’s next.

As always, thanks for reading. xx 

ps. some posts will have pictures some might not, I’m still trying to take more pictures from my phone but I often forget; so bare with me. 


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