
Netflix and Homework

Have you ever wanted to watch Netflix but you also have a mountain of homework to do? Pretty much every minute of every day when you’re of a student. Unfortunately, to multitask in such a way is extremely difficult… near impossible when you want to get things done; unless you know the right movie to watch. 

There are nights when all I want to do is hunker down with a good movie, but I have a paper to finish for the next day. So here are 5 movies I like to put on that I don’t have to fully pay attention to, but fulfill my desire for Netflix. 

DISCLAIMER: These might not work for you; some you’ll need to watch once or twice before you can tune it out and get work done. 

  1. Mamma Mia! 
    • This one is my absolute favorite to put on when cleaning or doing homework. It’s more like you’re listening to music than watching a movie if you don’t look up often; but when you do want a break from homework, it’s a fun movie to watch! (And now there’s a second one! I need to watch that one a few more times in order to be able to tune it out though.) 
  2. The Little Prince
    • Honestly, the first time I saw this movie I cried. I love the way they turned the classic book into a movie and I think it will always be a favorite of mine. It is a little difficult to focus on homework, but it is possible to tune the movie out for a bit at a time. (and you made the choice to watch Netflix while doing homework anyway, so who cares if you are a little distracted by it. ) Fun Fact; I’m watching this movie as I write this!
  3. The Office 
    • A great show, but I know it’s not for everyone. I had to struggle through the first two seasons in order to enjoy it and now I’ve watched through twice (and counting)! It’s a show you can put on in the background while cleaning or doing homework, or you can just put it on to procrastinate those things completely. 
  4. 10 Things I Hate About You
    • Unfortunately, this one is not on Netflix anymore. They took it off a few months ago but I usually try to look around on Amazon or Online to watch it. It’s a classic! It’s PG – but in 1999 that’s more like PG-13. Just so you are aware if you’ve never seen it before!
  5. Lilo and Stitch 
    • To put on a Disney movie and still get things done takes a lot of determination and realization that in the next 45 minutes you’ll probably just turn the movie off because you’ll have realized you have not accomplished anything. But, if I were to turn on a Disney movie that’s available on Netflix to get homework done, it would be Lilo and Stitch. I’ve seen it enough times to be able to listen and know what’s happening! (When it comes to Disney movies in general though, Tangled is my #1 choice; I can quote that movie almost all the way through… my boyfriend can attest.) 

Like I said before, not all of these will work for you; most you’ll have to watch a few times before you can focus on anything else. Or maybe you already have your list of go-to’s! If that’s the case I’d love to hear what they are so I can add to my list! 

Thanks for reading. xx