
True North

VSCO hb2 – Each nametag was handwritten with different fonts. There’s also a bible verse written on the back from when the staff prayed for each individual attendee. Also shown: the notebook they gave us with my verse on the bottom right.

Sometimes, there are certain things in life that you choose not realizing it will change your life. Maybe it’s a small choice or maybe it’s a big choice, either way, it adds something to your life. For me, that was stepping away from college for a few days to attend a conference in Kalamazoo, Michigan. I didn’t know it, but God was going to realign my heart with His, and I’m so glad He did.

Last Wednesday morning four of my friends and I, all met together to pick up the rental car we were taking. That in itself was an adventure! Let’s just say, make sure you have a major credit card and good credit before renting a car in Rochester… Thankfully, we got the car [thanks to a friend of ours] and were on our way to Michigan! The drive was long and tiring but filled with fun conversations and good music [car rides are one of my favorite things plus I didn’t get very car sick – so I had a blast!]. We arrived at our air BnB at about 4:30 pm which gave us an hour to get ready for the conference. 

We stayed at “Everyman’s House”; this quaint little place that felt quite spacious for its size. A historic home in Kalamazoo, Michigan; built as an affordable solution for families looking to build a home. For us, it was the perfect place to sleep for the next two nights. 

The conference we attended was called True North, it was held at Radiant church; about 20 minutes away from where we were staying. The first night of the conference, Cory Asbury led worship while Pastor Lee Cummings spoke. This was when God first grabbed my attention. During worship, as I was talking to God, I asked Him to come close to me; I asked what was hindering me from feeling Him near. Boy did He respond!

I hadn’t felt close to God in a while, and although there was a part of me that still felt distant, I knew without a doubt that He never left. I was even able to realize why I still felt that distance. God has been asking me to spend more time with Him, get to know Him; but I let life get in the way. This past week I heard God speak: He wants to come close to me and show me all He can do; but if I’m not willing to take the time to get to know Him I can’t access all that He has. He gave me the smallest taste of his presence and I wanted more. I felt motivated to go home and get to know my Father and it was only the first night! 

VSCO hb2 – This was the bag that they gave holding the journal and other information. I started to write about the weekend inside so I could remember every detail.

After a night of rest, we all woke up ready to spend the day at True North. Anna Asbury spoke in the morning and gave a powerful message about God’s timing, gifts, and His goodness – even when you feel hidden and unseen. God doesn’t expect us to bring a product to Him every time we meet with Him. He doesn’t always put us in the spotlight and allow us to be perfect in everything we do. Sometimes it’s in the hiddenness of your own home that God blesses you and strengthens you. There could be gifts that God has for your life that He hasn’t revealed yet, and that’s okay. His timing is always perfect.

I learned that in those unseen moments when I’m just living life to the best of my ability, God still wants me to spend time with Him and learn more about His goodness and mercy. It’s in those moments that I can begin to learn what His voice sounds like; so when I am seen, when I’m leading or creating; He can call me higher than ever before.

That afternoon we attended three different workshops. There were 9 that we could pick from; I chose one on the pursuit of excellence, prophetic painting, and overcoming creative resistance. The painting workshop was my favorite; I’m not an artist, I can’t paint very well, but walking out of that workshop I had felt like I opened a new door in my life. Prophetic painting doesn’t have to be perfect, it brings you back to the heart of a child and you just paint what you feel in the Spirit. 

That night incredible breakthrough happened in so many people; Caleb Culver spoke a powerful message on allowing the Spirit to do more in our lives. It challenged me to be more than just a mundane Christian, one who is satisfied with the least I can gain. I want to know what God’s voice sounds like so when He speaks, I can obey without hesitation; without worry about what other people might think. 

This conference was a turning point in my life; for the past few weeks, I felt depressed, emotional, and far from God. Now, I feel refreshed, motivated, and closer with my Father; He is good even in my suffering and He brings me through trials to stretch my faith and bring us closer to Him. 

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I don’t want this blog to be just lifestyle posts, I don’t want it to just be the surface of who I am and what I can write. I want to have honest journal entries of what’s happening in my life, and testimonies of my walk with God – the good the bad and the ugly. This is just an example of that. My walk with God is not perfect, no one’s is, but writing about what I’m experiencing and what God is teaching me brings me closer to Him. 

Thanks for reading. xx